All orders are usually processed and dispatched within 1-2 business days and an email with your tracking number is sent to you. If your order has not been sent, please check your order confirmation email as you may have ordered a pre-order item. Preorder items vary between 2-6 weeks and the specific time for your item was listed on the product page when you added it to cart.
Your order may have been delivered to a pick-up point. Please check your UPS tracking online and click 'View Details' for further information. If your parcel has been delivered to a pick-up point, this can be for a few reasons. Usually because the driver has attempted delivery between 1 and 3 times and the receiver is not home.
Once your return is delivered to our returns address, you will usually be refunded within 7 business days. At peek times the refund process might take up to 2-3 weeks. You will not receive a notification when your order arrives at the warehouse. You will receive a refund notification email when your order is refunded.
Shipping within Germany usually takes 1-2 business days and shipping within Europe usually takes 2-5 business days. These are estimates and cannot be guaranteed.
Your ROVE order will arrive in minimal packaging. Your mailing satchel is certified home-compostable and your garment bag is either certified home-compostable or made from 100% recycled ocean-bound plastic.
ROVE pieces are true to size unless otherwise stated in the product description. We generally recommend choosing the size that best matches your body measurements on our sizing chart and reading the product description as it may include additional information to help you choose your size for that style.